Keystone's Blog

If you're looking for a way to increase the beauty, functionality and value of your outdoor space, a fireplace is the way to go. No matter what your needs or goals are, Keystone's Fireplace and Stove can help you find the right outdoor fireplace to bring your vision to life.

If you have a fireplace in your home or are thinking about installing one, you may be wondering if it will be able to heat your entire home. Discover how well fireplaces compare to central air at keeping spaces toasty warm. 

5 Benefits of Electric Fireplaces

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Fireplaces make for a stylish warming appliance that is a focal point of your living space. While traditional wood-burning or gas fireplaces are popular, they come with several drawbacks and inconveniences that make them a hassle to own and maintain. Electric fireplaces offer a host of advantages for homeowners — they're safe, convenient and efficient for heating your rooms. With energy-efficient operation and zone heating capabilities, you can enjoy the warmth and look of a traditional fireplace while maximizing your cost savings and safety. 

5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Fireplace

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Your fireplace warms you up during the chilly months and is also an aesthetic focal point in your home. Many homes are equipped with older fireplaces, and while these appliances add a rustic charm to your space, they also pose several risks that can increase your safety hazards and energy bills. If you have an older fireplace, you may want to consider upgrading to a newer model. A new fireplace comes with many benefits for your home. 

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