
Pellet Stoves vs. Wood Stoves — Which Is Best for Heating Your Home?

Pellet Stoves vs. Wood Stoves — Which Is Best for Heating Your Home?

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When it comes to heating the home, the modern homeowner has many different stove and fireplace options. Traditional wood stoves, pellet inserts and pellet stoves are all excellent for safely and efficiently heating a space — no matter how big or small.

If you're unsure whether a wood or pellet stove is best for warming your Pennsylvania home this winter, keep reading to learn some factors to consider before making a selection.

Appearance and Flame Experience

  • Wood stoves: A wood stove will emit vibrant, ambient flames that crackle and pop. You can also control the flame's intensity with the stove's air draft control.
  • Pellet stoves: Pellet stoves also emit vibrant, warm flames that efficiently heat spaces. However, you won't experience the classic crackle and pop of burning wood logs. A pellet stove also requires electricity, so you might hear the pellet stove's electric fan or electronic belt.


  • Wood stoves: Wood stoves require very little maintenance because they don't have mechanical components. At most, you must sweep the ashtray periodically, clean the glass and keep your home stocked with plenty of wood logs.
  • Pellet stoves: Comparatively, you must clean a pellet stove's burn pot at least weekly, depending on how often you use it. You must also dust the stove's internal electrical components of ash and soot to maintain its efficiency.


  • Wood stoves: Wood and pellet stoves are generally similar in price. However, wood stoves become exceptionally affordable if you can supply the wood yourself. Otherwise, wood logs are usually more affordable than wood pellets.
  • Pellet stoves: Wood pellet prices vary based on their material and quality. While wood logs are generally more affordable than pellets, wood pellets typically burn longer than wood logs. The cost of electricity in your region will also impact this stove's long-term affordability.

Contact Keystone's Fireplace & Stove Today to Learn More

If you're still unsure about whether a wood or pellet stove is best for your space, contact Keystone's Fireplace & Stove today.

Our experienced, factory-trained technicians can help you choose the best fireplace for your home, shed or garage. We'll consider the size of your space, budget and lifestyle to help you narrow down practical, affordable fireplace options, so you can select a stove you'll enjoy using for years to come.

Call 717-970-5635 or fill out our online contact form to learn more about your home heating options or request a free installation estimate!

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Mechanicsburg, PA 17050