Benefits of Adding a Fireplace to Your Home
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Some of the best memories include cozying up with family and friends while playing games, laughing or sharing stories. Though it is the people who make those memories come to life, adding a fireplace can enhance those special moments.
Fireplaces provide a comforting environment where many gather to spend time with one another, but they also have functional purposes for many homeowners, especially those in colder climates. If you are contemplating adding a fireplace to your home, Keystone’s Fireplace and Stoves expert technicians are ready to help.
The Benefits of Fireplaces
Installing a fireplace in your home can provide many advantages to your home’s value while being cost-effective. Benefits may vary depending on the type of fireplace you decide on. However, many universal fireplace benefits provide homeowners with a relaxing environment to relax and spend time with loved ones. Some benefits of a fireplace installation include:
Affordable Heating
All fireplace options provide affordable heating for your home for those cold Pennsylvania winters. Whether you choose a classic wood fireplace or one that runs on your home’s energy source, utilizing any fireplace will lower the cost of heating.
Using a fireplace to heat your home allows you to focus on heating specific areas, such as your living room. Unlike traditional heating units that consider your home’s temperature as a whole, you can control the temperature as it relates to one specific area of your home.
Environmentally Friendly Heating
It is common knowledge that heating elements, such as a furnace, release emissions that can harm the environment and your family’s overall health. When using a fireplace as your home’s primary heat source, you can limit your carbon footprint as all fireplaces are eco-friendly.
Fireplaces, especially those that use electricity as a power source, do not produce toxic fumes or greenhouse emissions. If you decide to replace your electric fireplace, it can easily be recycled.
Independent Energy Source
If you decide a wood fireplace is best for you and your home, it can provide an independent heating source for unexpected interruptions in energy, such as power outages or malfunctions. Relying on a wood fireplace only requires wood to heat your home, which can be cost-effective in the long run.
Enhanced Ambiance
Every fireplace option provides a room with natural warmth and glow, organically creating a comfortable environment. While heating the room, your fireplace can offer a crackling sound that soothes those around the fireplace, making the atmosphere a place where many want to gather. When you have a fireplace in your home, you can look forward to creating warm, cozy memories.
Increased Home Value
Fireplaces can significantly increase your home’s value as many homeowners look for the addition of a fireplace in a potential home. Any fireplace option can complement a room and any decor, making it a point of interest among potential buyers. Along with being economically friendly and cost-efficient, those searching for homes show immediate interest in the possibility of a fireplace.
Choosing a Fireplace
Today, fireplace options are no longer limited to classic wood-burning options. Instead, different options exist when deciding on a new fireplace for your home. Other options can include:
When deciding on the type of fireplace that is best for you and your family, there are many factors to consider, such as price, usability and energy sourcing. At Keystone’s Fireplace and Stoves, we can help brainstorm the best options for your home and verify that your new fireplace is compatible with your needs.
After you visit our showroom and speak with an expert, Keystone’s Fireplace and Stoves will schedule a visit to your home to ensure your fireplace option ticks all the boxes by measuring for fit, quoting for installation and ensuring no other supplies are necessary to complete the fireplace installation process.
Fireplace Installation Process
At Keystone’s Fireplace and Stoves, we go the extra step to ensure your fireplace suits your home. Once that step is complete, our expert technicians will install your fireplace and ensure it works properly.
When we install a new fireplace, we will build an enclosure that fits your new fireplace and is up to local building codes. When the enclosure is complete, our technicians will install your new fireplace, following these steps:
- Installing gas or electricity, if applicable, to your fireplace.
- Insert the new fireplace into the newly formed enclosure.
- Cut an opening into the wall or ceiling to accommodate the firestop spacer.
- Connect gas or electricity if applicable.
- Install the chimney pipe.
- Connect the chimney pipe.
- Install the chimney cap.
- Test the new fireplace.
The installation process of your new fireplace will depend on the type you purchase. However, a professional is best suited to ensure your fireplace installation is successful and safe.
Keystone’s Fireplace and Stoves has served Central Pennsylvania for over 30 years. Our superior customer service and experience with all kinds of fireplaces make us your one-stop shop when you want to enhance your home with a new fireplace.