Pellet stoves and pellet inserts are easy to use, environmentally friendly and require no tending to while in use. Just fill the hopper with pellets, set the level of heating desired and hit the start button. Pellets will drop from the hopper into the burn pot and they ignite. Depending on the size of your home and the pellet stove you chose, a pellet stove could be used as supplemental heat or even as the sole source of your homes heating. Pellet stoves look a lot like a traditional wood stove but heat like a furnace and come in a variety of styles to complement any home interior from traditional to contemporary.
Pellet stoves and pellet stove inserts are more clean burning than wood stoves, but they do require more homeowner maintenance. Besides carrying bags of pellets into the house and emptying them into the hopper, depending on how much you use your stove, at least once a week the ash pan will be to be emptied and the burn pot will have to be cleaned so it doesn’t clog. In addition to the weekly pellet stove maintenance, inserts should be professionally cleaned at least once a year. Pellet stoves and pellet inserts have quite a few high-tech components including circuit boards, thermostats and fans. With the fine particles that can get into the cracks and crevices of the unit, a professional cleaning in needed to keep you stove working at peak performance and efficiency.
Serving Southcentral PA in Camp Hill, Harrisburg, Hershey, New Cumberland, Shrewsbury & York