Summer is a Great Time for Upgrading Your Fireplace
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Summer is drawing to a close, but there is still time to get things done before cool weather hits. When September arrives, fireplace companies see what is called…
‘The Fall Rush’ and sometimes the wait for an appointment can be 4 – 6 weeks. You can save yourself the headache of waiting if you schedule your annual inspection now. When you’re looking for a fireplace upgrade, summer is the best time too. Summer offers the best benefits when it comes to fireplace upgrades, but it isn’t the only time you can work on your fireplace and chimney.
Avoid Service Interruptions by Scheduling Now
In the winter, when you schedule your chimney inspection you will need to stop using your fireplace for 24 hours before a technician can work on it. This can leave you in the cold if you depend on the fireplace for even supplemental heat. Schedule your fireplace upgrade during the summer and avoid this type of interruption.
Allow More Time for the Best Selection
By using the summer to schedule your fireplace upgrade, you allow time to get the job done right. That means you won’t rush important decisions while you plan your update with Keystone’s Fireplace & Stove. You can browse the options available and find the one that best suits your home, needs, and personality.
Allow Time for Custom Choices and Installation
A chimney system requires an inspection if changes are made to the system. That means before a new fireplace is installed, you need an inspection. This inspection will identify any weaknesses or damages to the chimney system that can put your family at risk and lead to damage, fire, or decreased efficiency. A summer upgrade leaves time for an inspection and any necessary repairs before cold weather sets in.
In addition to getting your chimney in good shape for an upgrade, as with everyone, vendors are having an issue getting their product out to us on a timely fashion. In the past we were able to place an order and have it shipped to us within the week, now we are waiting weeks for some product. We understand this isn’t the normal for our industry and we know everyone is trying their best to get their products in the hands of our customers. Ordering early gives the needed time to make sure you are able to enjoy your new fireplace when its cold.
Begin Your Summer Fireplace Upgrade NOW!
You can begin your search for the perfect fireplace now, by visiting our showroom in Mechanisburg or by browsing the types of fireplaces available. At Keystone’s Fireplace & Stove we sell and install some of the best products in the industry: